Partner Jeffrey Babbin was recently quoted in the Hartford Courant article titled, “State Supreme Court confronts questions about ‘wrongful birth’.” The article covers the oral argument in the Connecticut Supreme Court on February 22, 2023, in the case of Lynch v. State of Connecticut where Jeff is the State’s appellate lawyer. The State is seeking to reverse a $37 million award to a family claiming
Read More Partner Jeffrey Babbin Quoted in the Hartford Courant on Appellate Oral Argument Involving a Medical Malpractice Case
Jeffrey Babbin
Jeff is an accomplished appellate lawyer whose vast experience representing clients in complex appeals has taken him from the state level to the U.S. Supreme Court. His efforts have helped shape the law and produced notable successes on behalf of the firm’s clients.
Appeals 101: A Primer
Wiggin and Dana partner, Jeff Babbin, presented at an appellate CLE program for the New Haven County Bar Association.
Topics covered included:
Reed v. Town of Gilbert (13-502) and Walker v. Texas Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Inc. (14-144)
Greetings, Court Fans!
The trickle has officially become a flood. On Thursday, the Court released six new decisions, on top of the three from Monday. That leaves eleven more as we make our way down the home stretch. In this Update, we’ll cover the pair of First Amendment cases handed down Thursday, Reed v. Town of Gilbert (13-502) and Walker v. Texas Division, Sons of …