Photo of Wiggin and Dana

Things seem a bit . . . different since our last Update, no? As we round out our second week of remote lawyering (which, for some of us, seems to involve a lot more long division than we’re used to), the Court itself is in a state of social-distance flux. On March 12th, it announced that One First Street would be closed to the

Read More Kahler v. Kansas (No. 18-6135), Allen v. Cooper (18-877), Guerrero-Lasprilla v. Barr (No. 18-776), Comcast v. National Association of African Amirian-Owned Media (No. 17-1171)

Greetings, Court fans!

Easy come, easy go. Just a week after hearing oral argument in Madigan v. Levin (12-872), the Court issued a one-line opinion dismissing the writ of cert as improvidently granted – an event foreshadowed during oral argument last week. On the merits, the case addressed a circuit split over the remedies available to government workers alleging age bias – a question

Read More Madigan v. Levin (12-872) and Order List

Greetings, Court fans!

We have just a quick update this week with two new cert grants and one invitation to the SG.

Yesterday, the Court agreed to hear Hall v. Florida (12-10882), an appeal from the Florida Supreme Court which asks “[w]hether the Florida scheme for identifying mentally retarded defendants in capital cases violates Atkins v. Virginia.”

The Court also granted cert in

Read More Order List 10/21/13

Greetings, Court fans!
The Court added four more cases to its 2009 docket today, including Skilling v. United States (08-1394), where the Court will review the conviction of former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling. That case presents two issues for review: “1. Whether, to convict petitioner of conspiring to commit wire fraud by depriving his employer and its shareholders of the right to petitioner’s honest

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Court fans,
I left out one important tidbit for the class action practitioners out there. Justice Kennedy, joined by the Chief and Justice Sotomayor, issued an opinion relating to the denial of cert in DTD Enterprises, Inc. v. Wells (08-1407), which raised the propriety of requiring a defendant in a class action lawsuit to bear the costs of providing notice to the prospective class

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Greetings, Court fans!

The Court granted cert in three new cases this week, including Kiyamba v. Obama (08-1234), where the Court will consider whether the remaining Uighur Guantanamo Bay detainees, whom the government has deemed innocent of any wrongdoing, must be ordered released in the United States if no third-party country will take them (the Uighurs, who are Muslim Chinese, cannot be transferred to

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